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14th May 2024

AB Neo secures funding for cutting-edge research in animal nutrition

AB Neo, an industry leader in animal nutrition research and development, has secured substantial funding for two groundbreaking projects: "Protein Digestion Kinetics" and "Carbohydrate Fermentation Kinetics”. These pioneering initiatives, in development since 2018, have been led by AB Neo’s Dr. Mai Anh Ton Nu. 

The carbohydrate fermentation kinetics project has received a substantial boost from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation as part of the public-private collaboration project between AB Neo and the University Autonoma Barcelona, underscoring the government's commitment to advancing animal nutrition. The Ministry will provide €538,000 to support the project (representing 50% of the total budget of €1M), marking a significant milestone in the quest for sustainable, efficient livestock nutrition.

Challenges in animal nutrition

The animal nutrition industry grapples with the formidable task of accurately assessing the nutritive value and functional properties of proteins and fibers, particularly concerning gut health, in feed ingredients and diets. This challenge becomes even more critical when dealing with young animals, such as weaned piglets. Presently, there is a noticeable absence of reliable matrix values tailored for the distinct needs of young animals. Dr. Mai Anh Ton Nu and her colleagues of the AB Neo R&D team aim to bridge this knowledge gap and stimulate innovation through a holistic approach.

  1. New Matrix Values: AB Neo is committed to innovating novel matrix values that provide a more nuanced and precise description of protein quality and carbohydrate profiles, specifically designed for weaned piglets.
  2. Fast and Cost-Effective Tools: Innovative tools are in development to expedite the evaluation of protein quality and carbohydrate profiles in feed ingredients and diets for weaned piglets. This endeavour promises a faster and more cost-effective solution for the industry.
  3. Exploration of Alternative Ingredients: AB Neo's scientists are actively exploring and developing locally sourced alternative ingredients, and industrial co-products. These innovations aim to reduce production costs and mitigate the environmental carbon footprint impact and support more sustainable production.

The launch of the AB Neo Lab is a pivotal step in this journey, serving as the cornerstone for the success of these projects. The Lab will amass a treasure trove of data on protein and fiber quality in common and local feed ingredients. This data will form the basis for creating NIR (near-infrared) calibration models for protein and fiber quality parameters in young animals' diets, a vital component for precision in feed ingredient assessment. This infrastructure is indispensable for the fine-tuning feed ingredient optimisation and driving the creation of innovative formulation concepts grounded in both protein digestion kinetics and carbohydrate fermentation kinetics.

Nutrient digestion and fermentation kinetics

The focus on protein digestion kinetics is critical due to its direct influence on how the body metabolises protein and amino acids, directly impacting the growth and gut health of young animals. Efficient protein digestion can lead to enhanced growth and performance, whereas inefficient protein digestion can result in energy wastage or even microbial fermentation, which has been linked to diarrhea in weaned piglets.

Proteins, carbohydrates, and particularly fiber play a central role in providing energy and maintaining gut health in young animals. Understanding how fiber is fermented in the digestive tract of young animals is vital to optimise nutrient utilisation, reduce waste, enhance gut health, and improve the overall efficiency of the livestock industry.

This collaborative effort between AB Neo and the University Autonoma Barcelona aims to illuminate the realm of carbohydrate fermentation kinetics, contributing to the development of comprehensive nutritional guidelines for young animals. Dr. Mai Anh Ton Nu and Dr. Laia Blavi of AB Neo will join forces with a team of experts led by Dr. Jose Francisco Pérez and Dr. David Solà from the University Autonoma Barcelona to unravel the complex puzzle of fiber.

Leading the way

AB Neo has established itself as a trailblazer in understanding protein digestion kinetics, firmly positioning itself as a leader in the field of nutrient digestion and fermentation kinetics. The company is poised to expand its research to include starch and fiber, aligning seamlessly with AB Neo's vision of becoming one of the world's foremost young animal nutrition companies.

Simon Tibble, Technical Director at AB Neo, expressed enthusiasm for these projects, stating, "We are thrilled to embark on these initiatives and invest in the AB Neo Lab. Our work in protein digestion kinetics and carbohydrate fermentation kinetics promises to reshape young animal nutrition, revolutionise feed ingredient evaluation, and reduce the environmental impact. We remain dedicated to providing sustainable solutions that drive the industry forward."

The animal nutrition industry stands on the cusp of a transformative era, with AB Neo at the forefront. The exciting developments as these innovative projects progress, promise not only to elevate the agricultural sector, but also to contribute to a more sustainable future for animal nutrition.


For more information please contact:

Dr. Mai Anh Ton Nu
R&D Scientist at AB Neo
+45 22 11 48 53

Media contact:

Yulia Levandovska
Global Head of Marketing at AB Neo
+48 506 399 650


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