Alphasoy Gold - independent trials

Below you'll find our latest studies.

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We always attend in trials where we test our Alphasoy Gold against other competing protein products on the market. 

Boosting birds’ immune response against coccidiosis (ASG 1B1)

Studying Alphasoy Gold potential to improve performance of broilers challenged with three Eimeria species.

2520 male Cobb 500 broilers were used in an experiment to evaluate the ability of the yeast component of Alphasoy Gold to improve performance of broilers challenged with Eimeria tenella, Eimeria acervulina and Eimeria maxima.


The effect of the AS-Gold yeast component on the 1-42d FCR of broilers challenged with Eimeria. a,b,c Where superscripts differ, means are significantly different (P < 0.05). 

The result of this trial proved that the yeast component, at a dose equivalent to that included in AlphaSoy Gold, significantly improves FCR of Eimeria challenged broilers by approximately 6 points. It reveals that the FCR was equivalent to those birds not challenged, or challenged and treated with anti-coccidial drugs. 

Enhancing performance in an antibiotic and coccidiostat-free production (ASG 1B2)

Studying Alphasoy Gold effect in improving the FCR and final body weight of broilers fed antibiotic and coccidiostat-free diets.

1080 male Cobb 500 broilers were used in an experiment to evaluate the benefit of Alphasoy Gold formulated into broiler starter diets whilst replacing soy protein concentrate (SPC) in an antibiotic/coccidiostat replacement feeding strategy. 


The effect of AlphaSoy Gold (ASG) on the final body weight (d42) and overall FCR of broiler. a,b Where superscripts differ, means are significantly different (P<0.05).

The result of this trial proved that AlphaSoy Gold, added to the starter feed, replacing SPC, significantly increases final body weight (d 42) of broiler by up to 93g and reduced overall FCR by up to 3 points. Such improvement may save a day of production and generate a net profit up to 5000 Euro/ 100,000 birds. 

Ameliorating the performance of cocci challenged broilers (ASG 1B3)

Evaluate Alphasoy Gold ability to improve overall performance of coccidiosis challenged broilers 

2160 male Cobb 500 broilers were used in an experiment to study the performance of broilers birds, which were raised on dirty litter, collected from a previous coccidia challenge study and inoculated with E. tenella, E. acervulina and E. maxima to increase the severity of challenge 

The effect of coccidia challenge and Alphasoy Gold (ASG) on the final body weight (d 42) of broiler. a,b where superscripts differ, means are significantly different (P<0.05).  

The result of this trial proved that Alphasoy Gold added to the starter feed, replacing SPC, significantly increased final body weight (d 42) of broiler by 57g. This effect was found to be independent whether there was a subclinical coccidia challenge or not. 

Performance improvement in “wheat/soybean meal” based diet (ASG 1B4)

Examine the effect of Alphasoy Gold on broiler performance fed with a wheat based diet in a coccidiostat/antibiotic free environment. 

140 male Ross 308 broilers were used in an experiment to evaluate the benefit of AlphaSoy Gold formulated into broiler starter diets whilst replacing soy protein concentrate (SPC) in an antibiotic/coccidiostat free wheat based diet. 

The effect of AlphaSoy Gold (ASG) on the final body weight (d42) and overall FCR of broiler 

The result of this trial proved that Alphasoy Gold added to the starter feed, replacing SPC, increases final body weight (d 42) of broiler by 91g and reduced overall FCR by 3 points, in wheat based diets. 

Performance improvement under necrotic enteritis (NE) challenge (ASG 1B5)

Evaluate Alphasoy Gold ability to improve performance parameters of broiler when subject to Necrotic Enteritis (NE) 

2240 male Ross 308 broilers were used in an experiment to evaluate the ability of Alphasoy Gold, formulated into a wheat/ soybean based broiler starter diet while birds were subjected to necrotic enteritis (NE) challenge and also non-challenge conditions. 

The effect of NE-challenge and Alphasoy Gold (ASG) on body weight gain (1) and FCR (2) of broiler. a,b where superscripts differ, means are significantly different (P>0.05). 

The result of this trial proved that AlphaSoy Gold added to the starter feed significantly reduced overall FCR by 1.8 points and also increased overall body weight gain by 48g, independent of any NE-challenge or not. 

Replacing fish meal and improving performance (ASG 1B9)

Evaluate Alphasoy Gold ability to improve performance parameters of commercially raised broilers when it replace fish meal in starter in diet 

760,000 broilers were involved in a three production cycle farm trial, where they’re given either fish meal (FM), Alphasoy Gold (ASG) or soybean meal (SBM) in their diet.  


The effect of feeding a starter diet containing Alphasoy Gold (ASG), fish meal (FM) or soybean meal (SBM) on overall standardized technical broiler performances corrected to 40 days; live weight (LW), feed conversion ratio (FRC) and European Production Efficiency Factor (EPEF). 

Alphasoy Gold inclusion in commercial starter feed, replacing fish meal, showed best overall standardized technical results, increasing EPEF by up to 10 points compared to broiler fed FM or SBM. 

The result of this trial proved that Alphasoy Gold inclusion in broiler starter diets can be a technically and economically viable component in fish meal replacement strategies for broiler. 

Controlling pathogenic salmonella strains. (ASG 1F1 TN)

Evaluating Alphasoy Gold yeast component capability to bind pathogenic salmonella strains. 

Numbers of yeast based products were evaluated, using an in-vitro binding (agglutination) screening assay and their capability to bind to pathogenic salmonella strains were compared to Alphasoy Gold. 

Number of pathogenic Salmonella strains (maximum 20) bound by the yeast component of Alphasoy Gold and other selected yeast based products. 

The yeast component in Alphasoy Gold showed to be highly efficient in binding most Salmonella strains. This indicates that by feeding Alphasoy Gold, salmonella could be flushed out of the system before colonizing the gut epithelium. 

Controlling pathogenic Escherichia coli (E coli) strains. (ASG 1F2 TN)

Evaluating Alphasoy Gold yeast component capability to bind pathogenic E coli strains. 

Numbers of yeast based products were evaluated, using an in-vitro binding (agglutination) screening assay and their capability to bind to pathogenic E coli strains were compared to Alphasoy Gold 

Numbers of pathogenic E.coli strains (of a total of 20) bound by the Alphasoy Gold yeast component and other selected yeast products. 

The yeast component in Alphasoy Gold showed to be highly efficient in binding most E coli strains. This indicates that by feeding Alphasoy Gold, E coli could be flushed out of the system before colonizing the gut epithelium. 

Inhibition of intestinal adherence of Escherichia coli. (ASG 1F4 TN)

Evaluating Alphasoy Gold yeast component capability to inhibit E coli intestinal adherence 

The ability of the yeast component of Alphasoy Gold to prevent the adherence of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) expressing F4 fimbriae to piglet intestinal epithelium was evaluated. 

Effect of test products on the adherence of E. coli F4+ on piglet intestinal mucosa. 100% of bacteria adherence to the intestinal mucosa is observed in the absence of yeast-based test products (negative control). Asterisks indicate the statistical significance of the results to negative control: * p-value < 0.0001, 

The yeast component provided by Alphasoy Gold showed efficient “adhesion inhibition” of pathogenic E.coli to the mucosa of the intestinal epithelium cells. Such property of Alphasoy Gold may contribute to less colonization of the gut and more bacteria being transported out of the body.  

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